

MISSION: Support the attraction, retention, and motivation of human talent in companies in the agri-food sector in the northeast region of Mexico through the bonding of academia and the government.

VISION: To be a strategic ally for the attraction, retention and motivation of human talent in the food sector in the northeast region of Mexico.

OBJECTIVE: To encourage companies in the agri-food sector to transfer communication to maintain talent motivation, attraction and retention of human capital.


Access to information on new regulations, Regulations on personnel management, and Better practices.

From a bank job, Profile and job descriptions.

Advice on personnel administration, Contracts and other

issues related to the human development department.

  • Capacitaciones para empleados y familiares a través del departamento de Educación continua de las principales universidades del estado.
  • Training for employees and their families through the Continuing Education department of the main universities in the state.


Committee Sessions

September 12, 2024

Cultura organizacional y clima laboral

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October 11, 2024

Diversidad e inclusión en el lugar de trabajo

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